Last night (or rather early this morning) I made my first ever video and posted it on You Tube. It is awful!
So why am I sharing this with you?
You see I have been putting this off for longer than I care to admit. I
KNOW that video is the future of blogging, and in fact the rest of the internet and social media, but I would keep giving myself good reasons why I was not starting to do it. I did not have the right camera, the lighting was bad, I needed to have a trusted and skilled assistant to hold the camera and start and stop it in the right time, and I needed to get video editing software and learn how to use it.....You get the idea.
Anyway last night while doing something else I saw a headline on upoading videos to You Tube so I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. After all, I would delete it straight away if it was awful, right?
So about 1.00 am in my home office with just the webcam in my laptop and a desk lamp I shot my first, stumbling video. I had not even changed my crumpled shirt, I stumbed over my words, and I was relieved as hell to press the "stop recording" tab! Phew, it was done. I allowed my wife to see it and emailed the link to my daughter (who is my business partner) warning her not to fall off her chair laughing and hurt herself. I went to bed knowing that I would take it downfirst thing in the morning.
But in the morning I thought, hang on, isn't confidence about being OK about having a go, about not getting it perfect or even half right the first time, and about admitting our mistakes and having th courage to laugh at ourselves and admit that we still have a lot to learn?
So dear friends here it is, warts and all, but if it encourages anyone else to have a go: Start a new business, learn a new skill, try for a new job, pick up the phone and make a challenging call, or anything else that they have been putting off for too long, it will have been worth it.
Stuck into the top of the fax machine in my home office is the following quotaton, sent to me by Bob Proctor:
"Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you're ready or not, to put this plan into action." (Napoleon Hill)
Whatever your dream, your desire, create a plan and go for it, ready or not!