Tuesday, 23 April 2013

The Impact System, By Stephan Longworth - "Inspirational!"

Stephan Longworth is an inspirational character who has a remarkable enthusiasm for what he does - network marketing.
Along his journey, he has clearly been influenced by some great motivational speakers (Kalench, Kiyosaki,Rohn) and in the book he has distilled much of this wisdom putting very much his own twist on it.

The first half of the book is "getting your head right" and here the focus is very much on self-belief, positive thinking, perseverance and determination. He leaves the reader in no doubt that the only thing between them and great success is...them.

Easily said, for sure. But this doesn't make it any less truthful. Certainly, this half of the book is good advice for anybody setting out on a significant challenge in their lives - the advice and guidance is all easily transferable.

The remainder of the book concentrates on the process of developing an effective programme which is easily duplicated, the cornerstone of success in network marketing. Who can argue against it as it's been put together by one of the most successful network marketers in the country. So many authors of "self-improvement" and "motivational" books are theorists. What Mr Longworth has on his side is that he doesn't just "talk the talk", he's also very much "walked the walk", something which lends the book instant credibility.

I bought this as I'm very much in the foothills, and was looking for inspiration and guidance from somebody who has had success in this business. This book has it, in spades! 

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