Friday, 28 March 2014

How to Feel Confident: Part 2 Working from the Outside In

  1. Dress sharp. How would you feel if you walked into Chez Moi in your penguin pajamas with a serious case of bedhead? Probably pretty self-conscious and awkward. Now how would you feel if you walked into the same place dressed in your Sunday best? Though the clothes don't make the (wo)man, they can make him/her feel like a million bucks.
    • It's a lot easier to feel good about ourselves when we think we look good. So take a shower, do your hair, wear clean clothes, and spray something on that makes all the boys come to the yard. Don't feel the need to bust out the prom attire, but do put a little effort in to feel put together.

  2. Be aware of your posture. Find a room or an area full of people. 9 times out of 10 you're going to call the unconfident people based on how they're a little slouched over or how they're looking down. In fact, just mimicking them can put you in a more unconfident mood. So don't do it! Keep your chin up, your shoulders back, and walk like you own the joint. You're on public sidewalk most of the time anyway.
  3. Work out. When we work out, we look better. When we look better, we feel better. But then there's also that working out releases endorphins, makes us feel productive, gives us energy, and basically just puts a pep in our step. And, oh yeah, it makes us healthy and live longer and stuff.
    • You don't have to be a marathon runner to reap the benefits of exercise. 30 minutes a day (even broken up into smaller chunks) is all you need to hop on the health train.

  4. Wear color. There's a reason we wear black when we mourn: it reflects our mood. Humans have a huge association with color. If you're feeling a little down, throw on something bright. The little spike in pizzazz could be all your confidence needs.

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