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We humans are above everything else Social Animals, and the richness and rewards of our lives depend on being able to communicate with other people. We are also programmed from birth to be wary of new people and new situations until we know they are "safe" and not threatening to us. This means that if we have not learned how to "check out" if other people are "safe" we may feel fear and anxiety which means that we become frightened of other people and of our own feelings and thoughts. We may steer clear of other people with the result that
Renowned Psychologist and Hypnotherapist Mark Tyrrell has put together a sneak peak of the powerful 10 step Hypnosis Downloads Course on Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety.
This FREE eBook includes "Overcoming Shyness" and "Starting Conversations"
In this eBook you will learn
You will understand
- Our basic sociable nature is starved
- we experience a great deal of loneliness
- we are less successful in our work or profession, and remain poorer as a result as it is "not just what you know, but who you know!"
- Our health will suffer and we may die earlier
- We miss out on all the satisfactions in engaging positively with others
- it will be harder to find a partner or soul mate
- we are likely to feel very bored much of the time!
Renowned Psychologist and Hypnotherapist Mark Tyrrell has put together a sneak peak of the powerful 10 step Hypnosis Downloads Course on Overcoming Shyness and Social Anxiety.
This FREE eBook includes "Overcoming Shyness" and "Starting Conversations"
In this eBook you will learn
- Avoiding the vicious circle of shyness
- overcoming self focus
- stopping "overthinking"
- becoming less self conscious
- knowing where you want to be
You will understand
- The importance of "small talk" (although the words account for only 15% of the communication!)
- reading body language
- not making asumptions
- the magic of rapport
- mirroring and matching to build rapport and trust.
Click HERE to download your Free copy of "How to Enjoy Talking to People". This takes you to our partner site Hypnosis Downloads. Instant access. No opt-in is needed.
Have you known shyness and difficulty in talking to people? Please share your experience in the Comments below.
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