Monday, 12 November 2012

Accepting the Real Face of Self-Confidence

Self-Confidence seems to be all the rage these days in the realm of personal development, but few people have a real idea as to how they can affect real change in the arena of exuding a positive demeanor through their conduct.  Many self-help premises designed to develop self-confidence seem mostly geared towards placing the focus only on the achievements as opposed to the failures, when really, the most progress can be made when holding to the strategy that both are nothing more than experiences from which to learn.
Make no mistake; great strides are possible in building self-confidence by taking stock and basking in the moment of achievement for even the smallest accomplishments along the way.  The majority of the times, the minor successes are overlooked in exchange for a potential failure imposed on the bigger scheme of things to come.  Of important note is that we will not always achieve each and every little goal we originally set out to tackle since our endgame may have to change as we progress.

An important aspect to keep in mind while elevating your level of self-confidence is that while it may seem similar in definition to self-esteem, there are nuances between the two terms which create a noteworthy difference.  The most obvious variance is that self-esteem is all about how much you like, and how you view yourself.  Self-esteem is considered to be passive in nature since it is not something others can observe about you from the outside looking in.  Self-confidence, on the other hand, is all about how you view your own abilities and conduct yourself when interacting with others, as part of a team, and in the world around you, in general.
If you are still unclear about the difference between self-confidence and self-esteem, consider the person who appears to have a massive amount of self-confidence, only to be living with an immense level of inner turmoil fueling high degrees of self-loathing.  So, while it will be necessary to be truthful with yourself relative to the current status of your self-esteem in order to fully effect positive increases in your level of self-confidence, one should take care to differentiate between the two so the changes necessary can be applied to the correct area of self that is requiring enhancement.
While working on increasing your level of self-confidence, remember not to compare yourself with others since there will always be someone smarter than you.  Equally, there will also always be someone not quite as bright as you.  A good place to begin building your self-confidence is to take stock of what you know you are capable of doing, without question.  If there is a question or doubt, seek training or education to boost your skill set.
In closing, people respect fellow humans who do not allow others to take advantage of them, or who allow themselves to be treated with disrespect. Staying true to yourself works wonders towards developing a high-degree of self-confidence, since standing up for what you value is always a sure mark that you believe in yourself.  In the infamous words of the late, great, Dr. Seuss, “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss

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