And then when I tell you that each of these three tips has been backed by neuroscience research to show that they make a positive difference to how your brain works, and lead to improvements in happiness, self esteem and confidence you may still not believe that they can really make a difference. We do not have time or space here to go over the research but if you are interested go to the PraxisNow web site and look at the posts of Mark Waldman whose work I freely acknowledge as the inspiration for this post.
So what are these three tips?
Your Best Year Yet can Start HERE Now!
First, before we get to the tips themselves remember that an essential part of the process is repetition, and consistency. These are not "Do Once and forget" actions, but tiny changes that you are going to put into action every day, or more days than not, until they form a new unconscious habit that becomes part of your daily routine. We have talked about this before, as The Compound Effect, the principle that tiny changes, repeated consistently over time, lead to massive changes. Because the acts themselves are so small it is easy to overlook them and forget to do them, and because the changes are so small, perhaps imperceptible at first, it is easy to overlook the benefits, For some actions there are immediate benefits, as you will see, but for others it will take a little time, but people have reported benefits as soon as two weeks, although when you apply these tips consistently over six months or a year you will be amazed at the changes in your life, your happiness, your confidence and your sucess.
So what are these 3 Amazing Tips?
Here Goes, and the first one may surprise you!
Life Changing Tip No 1. Know your Values and Live by Them.
Now what on Earth does That mean? It means that we are consistent to our deepest, innermost values in all our thoughts, actions and interactions with ourselves, our family, our profession or business and with each person we come into to contact with each day. I would extend this to the natural world and the environment, as my values include respect for all of creation. Trouble is, most people, myself included, often have only a hazy and distorted idea of what their values are. Others may be so sure that they know what their values are that they never question how much they are actually living by them. So here is the tiny action step to get to know your values and to live by them.
Tiny Action Step to Know and Live By Your Values. Each day as you wake up Write Down "My Deepest Innermost Value that I will live my life by today is........................" and put down the value that first comes into your mind. It may be the same each day for several days, or different on different days, and sometimes the values may appear to be in conflict with each other. But, very soon, you will build up a picture of your core values, and more particularly you will start to live by them. You will find out that some things that you have got in the habit of doing, or not doing, are not fully consistent with your values, and you will have the opporuity to change. Some of the things that your friends, or family, or work or business expect of you may not be fully consistent with your values, which may mean some hard decisions, but which will leave you happier and more confident. Writing down each day what are your deepest innermost values will positively change your life more than you would have believed.
Life changing Tip No 2. Practice the Attitude of Gratitude.
We have written about this before in a previous post that you can check out here. This time the action step is very simple.
Tiny Action Step to Express the Attitude of Gratitude. Each day on waking, and every time that you feel grumpy, stressed or defeated, bring to mind and preferably Write Down at least one thing that you are grateful for, right now. Sometimes it is important to write down several things to be grateful for if the negative thoughts and events are coming thick and fast. At one time when I was feeling overwhelmed most days by business concerns I typed out a list of eight things and people that I was grateful for, and tacked it just above my computer where I could read it several times a day when "overwhelmitis" threatened to strike. You will find out what works best for you. Some people find that a Gratitude Diary or a Gratitude Journal helps them to keep Gratitude in mind, but whatever the method remember that neuroscience research shows that expressing Gratitude and writing it down increases endorphins and other feel-good neurotransmitter chemicals in the brain. Read the precious post on Gratitude and Confidence again here.
Life Changing Tip No 3. Give Yourself Credit For What You Achieved.
This follows directly from Yesterday's post. The concept is simple, and the neuroscience research results are robust. Focusing on achievements changes the chemistry and circuits in your brain reprogramming it for success and confidence.
Tiny Action Step to Increase Results. At the end of each day Write Down three things that went well, and how you had a part in that result. Why the emphasis on writing? Because the act of writing uses more and different parts of the brain than simply imagining, remembering or reading, although these are very important too! The act of writing anchors the experience more securely in the brain, and the neurochemical and circuit changes are wider and deeper, so the changes in thinking and behaviour come sooner and last for longer.
Remember, all these Tiny Action Steps are subject to The Compound Effect, which is that Tiny Actions Repeated Consistently over time produce massive results. Write your comments below, and to keep up the momentum fill out the box at the top of this page to sign up for our Free 4-Part Series on 100% Confidence.
Make 2013 your best year ever! Wishing you love, Joy and Success
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